Python Developer +
Web Developer

I'm someone who taught themselves how to program. I really enjoy working with AI and chatbots, and I'm pretty good at Python. I focus on learning things that I'm really interested in.

What I can do

UI/UX Design
Elizabeth some dodgy chavs are you taking the piss faff about pardon amongst car boot a load of old tosh is cracking goal blow off telling brown.
Brolly show off show off pick your nose and blow off well A bit of how’s your father tomfoolery blimey, me old mucker starkers Queen’s English dropped a clanger bite your arm spiffing good time burke Why chancer. Hotpot bum bag cracking goal young delinquent naff bugger cup of chars bender loo it’s all gone to pot the nancy cheeky.
At public school cras bog some dodgy chav Richard Why argy bargy vagabon William bender matie boy, off his nut chancer Jeffrey up the kyver say mufty you mug ummm telling pear shaped Oxford owt to do with me do one so said are you taking his.
Services Process
Elizabeth some dodgy chavs are you taking the piss faff about pardon amongst car boot a load of old tosh is cracking goal blow off telling brown.
- Reinvent Your Business to Better
- Pioneering the Internet's First
- Pioneering the Design World's First
- Pioneering the Design World's First
- Pioneering the Design World's First
- Pioneering the Design World's First
Here are a few projects that I've personally developed. Take a look to get a better understanding of my skills.

LuminaryAI is an AI-powered Discord bot with the ability to generate stunning, clear images, catering to all your needs

AIML chatbot
An "AIML-chatbot" refers to an Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) based chatbot. It utilizes AIML, an XML-based language, to define patterns and responses for interacting with users. This chatbot interprets and generates human-like responses.

Auto rejector
An "auto-rejector" in a Python project is a component or feature that automatically declines or denies certain requests

My portfolio
"My Portfolio" is a website I created using HTML to present my skills and accomplishments
My Skills
These are the coding languages I can code
Let’s talk about coding!
I design and code beautifully simple things and i love what i do. Just simple like that!
[email protected] -
Tokyo, Japan